Instagram’s Transitions and Changes in Marketing Strategy

July 18, 2016

Instagram is widely considered as the most effective advertising outlet than any other social media platform. Fashion bible VOGUE recently ran a piece on how effectively they are utilizing Instagram. Director of fashion partnership of BAZZAR, Eva Chen voiced similar opinions.


The reason behind Instagram appealing to various brands, especially fashion brands is relevant to the unique nature of this social media platform. In line to Instagram’s intention to create a platform with “emphasized visual images that allows communication without the language barrier”, many social marketers agree that Instagram is the most effective to deliver messages beyond borders.



This is also the reason Instagram has attracted a younger audience which has made the advertising units more expensive than Facebook. According to Salesforce, the average price per 1000 clicks is $6.29, which is 90% higher in comparison to Facebook. With many eyes upon them, they announced their updates in algorithms and logo designs last March and have already began implementing these changes.

While there has not been a great change in terms of the functionality, Instagram has updated their User Interface from blue to black and white to accentuate the images on the feed. Another change was the font to  increase the visualization on both Android and iOs. In addition, the logo has been toned down and has put more emphasis on the user contents.


The most notable change is the newsfeed, which is no longer shown by the uploaded order but is reorganized according to individual’s interest based on a new algorithm.  According to the founder of Instagram, the limited feeds on Instagram indicates that those with a fallowing a larger number of accounts, would miss out on 70% of the contents.

 For individual users that are already used to Instagram, the changes may prove to bring about controversy. Nevertheless, other users and brands have accepted and are adapting to such changes. It is expected that brands would alter their marketing strategy according to these updates.

As the user’s interest is determined by the level of response of the contents, it has become essential for brands to improve the quality of the contents for them to be exposed to a larger number of users. Choosing the content targets has also become an critical. Specifying hashtags so that the contents are exposed to more potential customers who hold an interest in the given category has gained importance. Moreover, brands are more likely to turn to Instagram stars or celebrities with a large pool of loyal followers who can create more response for brand marketing.


Ads on Instagram marked “sponsored” at the top of the posts will be used more effectively. Exposure now becoming optional through algorithms determined by the importance of the content, increasing the probability of the exposure will become crucial. Brands are expected to take advantage of this form of Instagram advertising.


While it’s to be determined on how Instagram users will adapt and accept the changes, Instagram’s innovation demand a higher level of contents form individual users and brands. Social media and users of the outlet are evolving hand in hand.



Jayeon Kim

Founder & Editor-in-Chief

Jayeon had a unique career as a fashion tech expert. Starting her career as a fashion model in Korea, she then took New York by storm, working as a luxury brand marketer for global fashion houses. After earning her MBA at MIT Sloan School of Management, Jayeon expanded her role as a columnist, publishing on multiple platforms about her perspectives of the expanding role of technology in the fashion. She is now passionate about running her own fashion-tech start up as well as providing insight of how digital transformation and technology will further bring changes to the fashion industry.




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